

To gain a deeper understanding of the seven Epistles (otherwise known as the Catholic Epistles + the book of Revelation) in the New Testament that will serve to guide students to a life of righteousness and holiness. The objective of this module will not be to simply cover as much of the epistles as possible in 4 lessons but rather, to take a few main ideas from each book and dive deeply into the Word of God through the eyes of the saints who wrote them.



  • As each week of this module explores different authors of the New Testament encouraging the early church to stay steadfast in their faith in Christ, this activity will be similar.
  • Students will write a letter of encouragement to a colleague, someone the same age, either a newly converted Christian or someone who is struggling in their faith.
  • The student will follow a similar format as the Catholic Epistles, writing an introduction, why their faith is important to themselves, encouragement to live a holy life, persecution, warning of heresy, and to live a holy and righteous life.
  • Make sure the student writes in the letter, why it is important for their friend to be a Christian.

Alternate Activity

  • Have students compare various verses from the Epistle of St. James to the Sermon on the Mount. (see Chart below)