

The objective for this grade is to practically talk about how to live as an Orthodox Christian in the 21st century. This capstone should encompass all the aspects of the faith module which includes:

  • Attributes of God and the Divine persons
  • Holy Trinity in OT and NT
  • Created in the Image and likeness of God, Immortality of the Soul
  • Free will, Grace and the purpose of Life on Earth


Split the students into groups of 2-3 people. Start by having a general conversation with everyone and ask them "What is our purpose in life?"

  • Guide the conservation to include how we are created in the image and likeness of God which even includes being 3 in 1 (body, mind, spirit), loving, free will, etc.
  • Now that we realize that we are created in the image and likeness of God, and that the soul is immortal, what are we doing to utilize the free will that God gave us to carry out our purpose in life which is to be one with God. This can be achieved through sharing God's love with others and serving them.

Ask the groups to design a service project that they can carry out in the community, church, or school. The groups should present the project and explain how that project helps them fulfill their purpose on this Earth.