The objective of this module is to teach seventh graders about the details and symbolism of various aspects of the church. The students will learn about how all features and details that are found in the church, such as the vessels, architecture, hymnology, iconography, etc., have deep spiritual meanings beyond what we can observe with our senses. When we understand the symbolism of the details, we are able to appreciate the traditions of our church.
Activity Using Your Five Senses
- Explore how a person uses all five senses while in church. What is that we see: the cross, colors, symbols, icons, body and blood of Christ. What is that we hear: cymbals, triangle, the choir singing, chanting in Coptic, English and Arabic. What is that we taste: body and blood of Christ, the water afterwards. What is that we smell: incense, candles burning. What is that we touch: kiss of peace, the kneeling on our knees
- Besides our five senses, is there anything that we cannot see going on? Holy Spirit descending on the Holy Communion, angels, the sense of the congregation praying together
Jeopardy Review
Drawing Activity the Descent of the Holy Spirit During the Holy Eucharist
- Explain to the student that during the part of the Sanctification of the Holy Liturgy, the Bread and Wine change into the Holy Body and Blood of Christ.
- Using the Liturgy Book, go over the words that the Priest says, and the responses of the Deacon and the People. Explain that this is the "Holy Mystery."
- Have the student draw the altar when the Holy Mystery is taking place. In their drawing, the students can include all the holy vessels on the altar, the Priest on the right hand side, and Deacons (maybe adding speech bubbles for their narration), and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Bread and Wine from the chalice.