Morality Module


Our thoughts, words, and deeds are all reflections of Christ. As His children, we are called to choose what is right and to do what is right in the face of wrong, always.


Please read through all of the lessons in this module in preparation for this lesson.

  • Week 1: Discerning right and wrong
  • Week 2: Ethics- Part 1: An Introduction to Ethics
  • Week 3: Ethics- Part 2: Ethics in Daily Life
  • Week 4: Self Esteem
  • Capstone Activity



There are many instances in the Scripture where people were faced with ethical, or moral, dilemmas. We have examples of how to behave, how to choose right over wrong in their stories and through the wisdom of the Scripture.


As a member of the Body of Christ, students have skills and talents that are special. No one in the entire world has ever and will never be made like me. As Children of God, we have an obligation, we have a duty, to live a Christian life and use those skills and talents for the glory of God's name. Christ is our audience, and He is also our guide, always. By focusing on what He would do, our thoughts, words, and deeds will be pleasing to Him.


It's not always easy to do what is right, especially when the world around us is promoting the exact opposite. It's not easy to do what's right when the right thing to do is unpopular, or when no one is watching. We have to be rooted in our identity as Children of God in order to face the challenges of the world. It is important to surround ourselves with people who will support our morality and not challenge them, who will encourage a Christian lifestyle instead of resisting it.


The foundation of maintaining Christian morality is our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. The Church has spiritual exercises in place that help us strengthen our morality. Through actively participating in the Holy Sacraments--particularly Confession and the Eucharist--we strengthen our connection with Him, thereby enabling us to discern what is right and wrong, make Christian decisions in the face of ethical dilemmas, and give value to ourselves as His children.