

The objective of this module is to teach Seventh graders about the four Gospels in depth. Students will learn about the Evangelists, how and why the Gospels were written, as well as the importance of the Gospels as the Good News of salvation. Students will also learn about how the Gospels fulfilled the prophecies in the Old Testament and how the message of the Gospels can be applied to our lives. In this capstone, students will learn to read the Gospels in parallel. In addition to the points learned in the previous lessons, the children will also realize how the Gospels are similar in content, but also different from each other. The activity can be a starting point for further discussion.


Gospel Parallels Activity

  • Hand out copies of the Bible, and separate the group into four teams. Assign each team a specific Bible excerpt to find, all describing the same event. Two examples are given below:
    • Our Lord's entry into Jerusalem:
      • Team 1 -- Matthew 21:9
      • Team 2 -- Mark 11:9-10
      • Team 3 -- Luke 19: 37-38
      • Team 4 -- John 12:12-13
    • The Baptism of Jesus
      • Team 1 - Matthew 3:13-17
      • Team 2 - Mark 1:9-11
      • Team 3 - Luke 3:21-22
      • Team 4 - John 1:28-34
  • Have the groups compare the excerpts and point out specific similarities and differences.
  • As the groups discuss, servants can make a chart similar to the one displayed below in order to highlight similarities and differences.