The objective of the saints module is to teach seventh graders about the life of courageous saints. They will learn about these saints who offer us real life examples of how to be steadfast in the faith. The stories of these martyrs will help them realize how to be courageous and stand up for Christ. Additionally, this module will highlight icon analysis to introduce students to understanding the symbolism of details found in icons.
- Each student (or in teams) will create a poster of a saint. The saint they chose to spotlight will be a saint they feel a special connection with, like a saint they were named after, or one of the saints that was discussed in this unit (Saint Polycarp, Saint Theodore El-Shatebi, the Twenty-One (21) Martyrs of Libya, or Saint Abanoub.
- The student will have a title of their poster: "All About ". The sub-topics they can write about will be:
- A brief summary of the saint's life
- Icon of the saint and the details it depicts
- Location where they lived/travelled
- Why they choose this saint to spotlight
- What makes them special
- What miracles have happened in the saint's name since they were martyred.
- After each student presents the saint to the class, the servant can get the poster laminated, and can hang it on the walls of the classroom, and eventually it will be a keepsake for each student.