Feast of the Apostles
To connect the Church Traditions and Rites back to our Lord Jesus Christ, and to appreciate the faithfulness of the Apostles and our church Fathers in preserving the Traditions. Also, to understand why the Coptic Church is called Apostolic and Traditional Church.
Game: Divide the the floor (using tape, rope, or other markers) into about 10 rows (or as many as you can fit) and then divide each row about 5 squares/columns (or however many you can fit). In each row, select one square and mark it (so that only the servant knows the "key" or "it" squares. Only one of those squares per row will advance you to the next row. Now, have the children take turns picking a square in the first row. If they choose the right one, they advance to the next row. If not, then the next student takes a turn. They can help each other by telling each other where to step/where not to step. Candy or another prize can be given at the end of the game.
The motive of the game is to show that through traditions, we can help each other achieve a goal.
Explain to the students: As we saw in the game through helping one another and memorizing the steps that others took, we were able to achieve our goal That's what our church does in a way; we observe the ways of our early fathers and apostles and follow their path, as they are the ones who were taught by Jesus Christ Himself.
There is something very unique our church practices three times a year, can you tell what it is?
Prayer of Lakkan
Ask: What other times the church uses the Lakkan?
- Theophany, Covenant Thursday, and Apostles' Feast
We use water in the Lakkan prayer because water represents the Holy Spirit. In the Feasts associated with the service, by doing using water, we are reminded of the power given to the Apostles and the magnificent works they have done through the Holy Spirit (ex: Preaching all over the world, healing the sick, raising the dead) and how much torture and sacrifice they went though to deliver to us the true faith.
The Fast of the Apostles is one the most ancient fasts in the church. Our Lord Jesus Christ had mentioned "but the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them ,then they will fast in those days" (Luke 5:35). As Jesus said, after the ascension the disciples fasted; it was mentioned about St. Peter "then he became very hungry and wanted to eat" (Acts 10:10).
"...above all, taking the shield of faith" (Ephesians 6:16)
"He breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained." (John 20:22-23)
"Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves." (Luke 10:3)
While you are sitting in church enjoying the Divine Liturgy, take a look around you. Contemplate and meditate on how we have come this far. We owe this blessing to our fathers the Apostles. They are the one who carried and kept God's word and the faith. They were living bibles before the Holy Bible was written, until we were able to receive it.
The Apostles are the ones that were with our Lord Jesus Christ and memorized all His teaching. Not everything was written in the Bible as St. John wrote at the end of his Gospel, "And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written" (John 21:25).
Although the Church specifies St. Peter and St. Paul due to the tradition that they both departed during the time of Nero (5th of Abib), this commemoration on July 12th is an example to the type of people whom God works through.
St. Peter was a poor undereducated fisherman, while St. Paul was a highly educated man literally in the worldly education as well as spiritually.
Which means God works through ALL kinds of people.
DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 10 Minutes
When we fast do we fast for the person named after the fast ? For example St. Mary's fast and the Apostles' Fast?
- No, the fast is always for our Lord. However during the fast, we try to practice the virtue that those saints lived out and try to apply it to our own lives.
What can we learn from the life of St. Peter and St. Paul?
As we are celebrating the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, let us learn one virtue they have, and try to apply it in our life
ACTIVITY - 15 Minutes
See Intro activity at the beginning of the lesson, as well as attachment.
The Spirituality of Fasting by H.H. Pope Shenouda III