Feast of the Cross


To help students realize the importance of the Cross in our lives; nothing good can be achieved except through efforts and struggle, and the narrow gate leads to glory.


On the day of Feast of the Cross we celebrate the appearance of the glorious Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. When the Jews discovered the numerous miracles occurring at Jesus' tomb, they were infuriated and asked everyone in the Jewish country to collect all of their waste and put it on top of the tomb. They continued to do that for over 200 years until a huge pile of filth was formed. Saint Helen, the mother of King Constantine, journeyed to Jerusalem and asked about the location of the Cross. Nobody could tell her. That was until she met an old man who told her that the Cross was underneath the pile of dirt. She then ordered the removal of the dirt and during the process they cleared out three crosses and some nails near it. They did not know which of the three crosses belonged to the lord, a funeral procession passed by them and they put the first two crosses on the dead man but nothing happened But when they put the third cross on the dead body, he was brought back to life and that's how they knew it was the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then she built a church on that Cross and all the Christians went to visit the Cross and the church. St. Helen did that because she loved the Cross since it had appeared to her son, King Constantine, before he went to war and he won.


Memory Verse - "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me" (Matthew 16:24)"

"For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God" (I Cor. 1:18)


The celebration of the Feast and the significance of the prayers and worship

  • Our Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates two feasts of the Cross every year. One lasts for 3 days starting on 17th of Tut till the 19th (September 27-29) and is the first feast in the new Coptic year. The second is on the 10th of Baramhat (March 19). The first feast is in remembrance of the inauguration of the Church of the Holy Cross, which was built by Queen Helen, the mother of Emperor Constantine. The second feast is on the occasion of the findings of the Cross by Queen Helen (326 A.D).
    • During these two feast the church conducts a procession similar to that of Palm Sunday and uses the same tune in chanting (Shannon-Hosanna), to announce that the cause of her joy with the Cross is the openness of the hearts ( inner Jerusalem) to receive the Savior our Lord Jesus Christ as the King who reigns within us.
  • The Cross is an emblem to which every Christian clings because of its ‎spiritual and doctrinal meanings. We suspend it on the churches, our homes, we include it in all ‎our sculptures, we suspend it on our breasts, we make its sign on ourselves, we begin ‎our prayers with it, we sign it on our food, we sanctify with it all that we possess. As we are constantly reminded that Our Lord Jesus Christ died for us, and that He rose from the dead and gave us salvation. The ‎men of the clergy carry it in their hands, and they bless the people with it. The Cross is ‎used in all the ecclesiastical sacraments, and in all the signings and the consecrations, ‎in the belief that all the blessings of the New Testament came as a result of the Cross. ‎The clothes of the clerical men are adorned with the Cross, not just for ornamentation, ‎but for its benediction and its power.
  • In the Canonical prayers of the Horlogian (Agpia) the prayers of the sixth and of the ninth hours are in remembrance of the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • In the sixth hour‟s passage we say, "O Thou who was nailed on the Cross on the sixth day and in the sixth hour because of the sin which our father Adam committed in paradise ..."
  • In the ninth hour passage we pray and say "O thou who has tasted bodily death in the Ninth hour for our sake, we the sinners ..." Thus, the hours of the Saviour‟s crucifixion and of His intense passion for our sake have become the subject of our prayers. They inspire the worshippers with peace and make them feel the warmth and the depth of God‟s love.
  • Also in practicing the seven sacraments a priest makes the sign of the Cross several times to get the blessing of our God, Jesus Christ. The reason is that we have gotten all the heavenly blessings entailed on all the sacraments through the great sacrifice that Christ has accomplished on the Cross. The Cross is carried by the priests at all times, they bless the congregation with it. We kiss the Cross out of love for it. We use it to decorate our icons, and we even sing hymns about it.
  • The Cross is a sign of strength and glory. When a person crosses himself or herself, Satan cannot hurt him or her in any manner. Also, each time we declare our faith in the Holy Trinity who is One God ‎forever and ever, Amen. The Holy Trinity is continually in our thoughts, and that is ‎not available to those who do not make the sign of the Cross as we do. We do not make the sign of the Cross on ourselves in a silent manner, but we ‎concurrently say: "In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."‎
  • The Cross is taken from a tree and the sin of Adam and Eve was related to a tree. Hence, salvation was gained by our Lord Jesus' crucifixion on the Cross. Therefore, the Cross is a sign of love and victory.
  • The Cross was what bridged the gap between Heaven and Earth.

Taking the narrow road and carrying the Cross

  • The way to which we were invited is the way of suffering. So many people like to reach Christ by the simple route. This is impossible because it is necessary to work and suffer for the sake of God. Our Lord Jesus said "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his Cross, and follow Me" (Matthew 16:24).
  • Everyone has a Cross that must be carried without complaint. Whoever does not carry his Cross and follow Christ cannot be one of His disciples.
  • The Cross takes several forms: persecutions, sickness, struggles in spiritual life, suffering from enemies, or wars of Satan.
  • Our Lord Jesus Christ faced the Cross during His life on Earth. He was good to everyone and received evil in return from many people. They said about Him, "He is a Samaritan and has a devil's spirit", "He eats and drinks wine", "He loves the tax collectors and the sinners and He is against the Laws of Moses and against the authorities".
  • Our Lord Jesus Christ carried this Cross and did not defend Himself. He was insulted and met the insults without even opening His mouth.
  • Our Lord Jesus Christ chose the narrow way; He carried His Cross not only at the time of Golgotha but also during His life on earth. Despite all of that, He was content enough to spread his joy to others.
  • Christianity could never be separated from the Cross.... The Lord Jesus told us plainly that "... In the world you will have tribulation" and He also said, "and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. " (Mt 10:22)

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 15 Minutes

  • What about us? If we feel injustice in our lives whether in school or home, are we quick to complain? We should not.
  • If people called us names in school because we are not participating in their evil or wrong actions (if any), are we going to give up and follow them? We should not.
  • Are we going to complain that the Cross is so heavy in our lives? We should not. We should only thank the Lord for making us worthy to carry the Cross with Him. We must also seek God's help and strength. Behind the cross there is Resurrection. Without the Cross there cannot be Resurrection and victory.


  • Let us search for the cross in our lives. When we find it, we should carry it thankfully and then we will receive all the blessings of the Resurrection in our lives.
  • We should do our best to stay out of the world's temptations, resist peer pressure, and maintain our values and faith.
  • We must say no to the devil and we have to be strict with ourselves, our sexual desires, our pride, our actions and our thoughts.
  • Everyone should carry or wear a Cross, and always keep a Cross in his or her room and look at it during prayer.

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

Have the students chant "Shere pi estavros" (lyrics attached below).

Audio: Sheri Pi Estavros


The Feast of the Cross by His Holiness Pope Shenouda III


Verses for study and Memorization About the Cross

  • "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in ‎me" (Gal. 2:20).‎
  • ‎"And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and ‎desires" (Gal. 5:24).‎
  • ‎"But God forbid that I should boast except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus ‎Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world" (Gal. ‎‎6:14). ‎
  • ‎"For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to ‎us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1 Cor. 1:18). ‎
  • ‎"...having made peace through the blood of His Cross" (Col. 1:20).‎
  • ‎"For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus-Christ and ‎Him crucified" (1Cor. 2:2).‎
  • ‎"And whoever does not bear his Cross and come after Me cannot be My ‎disciple" (Luke 14:27).‎
  • ‎"Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him" (Rom. 6:6).‎
  • "For had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory" (1 Cor. ‎‎2:8).