Palm Sunday Part 1: Biblical


Students will be able to summarize the main events of the major feast of Palm Sunday, and be able to make connections between the historical and spiritual meaning of our Lord Jesus Christ's Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem.


Describe a time when had to prepare for a very important guest that was going to come over to your house (e.g. Teta/Gidoo/Tunt from out of town). What did you have to do to get ready? How did you dress? Did you have to do something in advance? Turn to the student on your right, share with each other, and be prepared to share aloud.


"Hosanna Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord' Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that comes in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest" (Mark 11:10)

Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: "Hosanna to the Son of David 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'Hosanna in the highest" (Matthew 21:9)


Chronology of Events

Palm Sunday is o­ne of the Major Feasts of our Lord, and it is the day o­n which the Lord Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem as a King, riding o­n a donkey and a colt, the foal of a donkey.

Zechariah the Prophet prophesied about this great event saying: "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding o­n a donkey and a colt, the foal of a donkey."

Why did He choose to ride on a donkey? It symbolizes peace; a conquering king would have arrived on a horse.

The Jews waved palm and olive branches, laid them on the road, and joyfully chanted "Hosanna, Son of David," to greet Him. "Hosanna" comes from Hebrew and Greek, and means "save now."

At the time, the Jews expected an earthly king to come and save them from the Roman occupation, and thought that the Lord Jesus was the Messiah that would do exactly that.

When the Jews realized that our Lord Jesus Christ came not to save them from the Earthly bondage of the Romans, but from the bondage of sin, Satan and death, they cried out to Pilate saying "Crucify Him, Crucify Him His blood be o­n us and our children."

On this day also, the Lord Christ entered the Temple, driving away the merchants and overturning the tables of the moneychangers and those who sold doves to be used for the sacrifices people would offer for their sins. This was likely a sign of His anger towards using religion as a means of trade, and for turning His house into a "den of thieves" instead of a "House of Prayer" (Matthew 21:12-13).

Our Lord Jesus Christ as Our King:

So, our Lord Jesus Christ entered into Jerusalem as a King

But what kind of King is He? Throughout the history of the world we have had many Kings that have conquered cities and nations. Today in many parts of the world we have Kings. But today we celebrate Christ the King who enters into our personal Jerusalem, our hearts, where He saves us from sins.

St. Augustine emphasized this point when he says, "For Christ was not the king of Israel so that he might exact a tax or equip an army with weaponry and visibly vanquish an enemy. He was the king in that he rules minds, in that he gives counsel for eternity, in that he leads into the kingdom of heaven, for those who believe, hope and love."

The people shout, "Hosanna" meaning "save now", or "Lord grant salvation" St. Severus explains this mystery saying, "Now there was never any king, simultaneously just, a redeemer, gentle and seated on a donkey who came to Jerusalem, unless this is he who alone is King of kings, God the Redeemer, Jesus. He is kind, gentle and abundant in mercy for all those who call upon Him, as it is written."

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 10 Minutes

The question to ask ourselves is: Will we prepare our hearts and allow Our Lord able to enter our hearts and lives, to remain as our priority and King?


In order to answer this question, we need to examine today's readings:

  • In what manner does Christ approach us as King?
  • How do we accept Him as our King?
  • What does it mean if He is the King of my life?

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

Materials: blank paper OR printout below, pens/pencils/markers

  • Draw your heart (or use attached template below)
  • Draw what you are holding on to is keeping Christ from entering (e.g. envy, anger, deceit, worry etc)
  • What would your heart look like if our Lord Jesus Christ is a priority in your life and you are prepared to let Him into your heart?