Covenant Thursday


To emphasize the importance of the events that took place on Covenant Thursday and to understand that Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God. Through His Blood our sins are forgiven, and the door to His kingdom is open.


Do you know why Jesus had to die for you and me?

Let me tell you a story that might help make it clear. Do you have a car? Well, let's say you are driving home this weekend and you are cruising. You're going say, 105 mph. You're just flying. You get pulled over, the cop has you on radar and you're done. They impound your car, and bring you straight to the courthouse to face the judge. Well, the good news is that the county you got busted in just happens to be the county in which your dad is the judge. So, you're thinking that you're golden. He loves you, he'll let you off, everything will be fine.

But just as you are entering the courthouse, you remember that your dad is a really good judge. He never punishes the innocent. He always punishes the guilty. He is a good and just judge. Now you're a little nervous. Which is going to win out, his love or his justice?

He's your dad and he loves you so he'll want to do good to you. But he's a good and just judge and therefore he'll want to follow the law and render a just verdict. What do you think he'd do? Which would win, love or justice?

It's hard to know what he might do. You stand before your dad the judge and he says to you, "Son, this officer says you were going 50 mph over the speed limit. How do you plead." What would you say? Guilty

Yeah, that's a good idea, because you're guilty. So, he looks at you and says, "That will be $500 or a week in jail. Guilty as charged." And he bangs down the gavel. Well, you don't have any money, so the bailiff comes to take you away so you can start serving your time, when your dad, the judge stands up and says, "Wait a minute, bring him back here." Then he stands up, takes off his robe and walks down from behind the bench. Then he reaches into his pocket, takes out his checkbook and writes the court a check for $500, the exact amount of your fine.

Then he offers it to you. What's going on here is this; he is just, so he declares you guilty, since you are. And he demands that a penalty be paid. But he loves you, and so he is determined to pay that penalty himself, on your behalf. Now as he stands there offering you the check, what do you need to do? Accept or reject it That's right.

You can accept his payment on your behalf, or for whatever reason you can reject it (free will). Okay, now roll back the tape. That story is a simple example of a great picture of what God does for us. If there are two things primarily true about God, they are that He is loving and He is just.


Memory Verse: "For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins" (Matthew 26:28)


"Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life." (Romans 5:18)

First Passover and Overcoming Sin

Adam's sin was the offense that brought the judgment of death to all men, and with God's great love. He sent His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to conquer death and to restore the image that was corrupted by sin, and to give us salvation and redemption.

The Old Testament (Exodus 12) tells us the story of the first Passover, when God commanded Moses to place the blood of the lamb on the doorposts of the houses of the Israelites to be saved, so through the shedding of blood of the lamb, there came forgiveness as mentioned in Hebrews 9:22, "And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission."

In the New Testament, Christ came to fulfill the prophecy and became the true and ultimate Passover Lamb. "For indeed Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us" (1 Corinthians 5:7). Our Lord Jesus Christ perfected the Passover meal by offering His Holy Body and Precious Blood in the form of bread and wine, and made a new covenant that replaces the first covenant of eating the Passover meal.

Second Passover and Baptism

Crossing of the Red Sea by Moses and the Israelites was the second Passover. As Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea and crushed pharaoh's and his soldiers, Just like our Savior Jesus Christ destroyed Satan and defeated death. Moses used his staff to part the sea water, Jesus used the Cross to redeem us.

The Israelites were saved by the Red Sea waters from the slavery of Pharaoh and the Egyptians and they searched for a new life. God gave us the chance to be reborn again with Christ through baptism and save us from Satan's power and seek eternal life in Heavenly Jerusalem.

On Covenant Thursday, we pray Lakkan (Liturgy of the Blessing of the Water); it is a tradition that follows Christ's example when He washed the feet of His disciples before the Passover meal. Our Lord Jesus Christ washed their feet to purify their hearts from vanity, teaching them how to be humble and that the greatest should be the least.

Third Passover and Institution of Eucharist

Jesus asked Peter and John to prepare the Passover meal for Him and the disciples, and directed them where to go and find the place, since He didn't have anywhere to go. He gave them a sign to know the house owner (St. Mark): a man carrying a jar of water. Jesus went after everything was prepared and took His disciples to eat the paschal meal with Him. After washing their feet, Jesus, the Giver of Life. instituted the Godly Supper, giving us the heavenly bread - His Holy Body and Precious Blood. He made his new covenant "... after supper, He took bread.. and the Cup... and gave it to them saying ' take, this is my body... this is my blood which is the new convent ... do this in remembrance of Me.'"

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 15 Minutes

What were the consequences of Adam's sin?

  • Physical death, and separation from God

How can a person be saved?

  • Through Jesus's Blood, baptism, repentance and confession, partaking of the Holy communion, and doing good deeds.

What is the new covenant that Jesus Instituted on Covenant Thursday?

  • The Mystery of Holy Eucharist, where Jesus replaced the passover meal (the animal sacrifice) with His Holy Body and precious Blood.


On the night of their exodus from Egypt, the Lord commanded the Israelites to roast the lamb, and eat unleavened bread with bitter herbs (Exodus 12:8). The meat that the Jews would feast upon was not raw or unbaked, but cooked in fire. The lamb had to suffer through fire; it had to suffer. This meat had a sweet smell, but a bitter taste. Such is the great reminder of sin--however pleasing it may seem to our senses, however alluring it may be to us, we must never forget the bitter sadness of its consequences. This bitterness lies within the cross: "He has filled me with bitterness, he has made me drink wormwood" (Lamentations 3:15).

The Christian life is full of bitter herbs that bring forth a sweet, saintly aroma. One type of herb comes from loving our enemies. Another comes from serving the Lord in difficult circumstances---either a family difficulty or a conflict in our schedules.

There is a garden of bitter herbs awaiting you in prayer and vigil in times of weakness, sorrow, or confusion. When you fast, you taste of these bitter have experienced the Cross. By choosing to take this narrow and difficult path, by submitting to travel along the narrow gate, "we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing" (2 Corinthians 2:15).

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

Jesus gave us a new covenant and a command to love one another, so we can share that love with our neighbors and community during covid by sending a simple card to remind them of Jesus's love and mercy and to strengthen one another during this difficult time.



Christ's love for us is so great that He allows us to partake of the Holy Communion, in return, how can you show your gratitude to God?