Peacemakers and Persecution


In this module, students will gain a deep understanding of the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us the eight Beatitudes as instructions on how to live a Christian life to gain the Kingdom of Heaven. In each week, we will focus on two Beatitudes and discuss what they are, what they are NOT, the reward, examples, and applications for seventh graders. Week 1 will focus on Poor in Spirit, and those who Mourn. Week 2 will cover Meekness and Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness. Week 3 will focus on Merciful and Pure in Heart. Week 4 will cover Peacemakers and Those who are Persecuted.


  • Review how the students attempted to apply the two Beatitudes from last week.
  • Over the last 3 weeks, we learned about 6 of Beatitudes, and today we will be covering the last 2.
  • Introduce the words "reconciliation" and "persecution" as concepts and review the meanings, as these will be key words in today's discussion

This week's lesson will focus on the next two of the Beatitudes:

  • Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God
  • Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven


Read Matthew 5:1-12


In this section, we will go through what the beatitude is, is not, the reward, followed by examples. Servants may have the students write each point in a chart for comparison. See Tables 1 & 2 in Appendix.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

What does it mean to be a peacemaker?

  • Someone who is actively seeking to reconcile people to God and to one another
  • Someone who helps others get along
    • This means not starting arguments or making arguments worse, as well as helping resolve conflicts
    • However it is important to guard ourselves so we don't get trapped in the drama around us
  • Peacemakers always see the good in others
  • You can be a peacemaker between yourself and others directly, and also as a third party if others around you are having a conflict
    • E.g., You in a fight with your friends vs. two of your friends in a fight
    • We are called to actively be peacemakers in both situations, and not just "sit on the sidelines" and watch or potentially make things worse
  • The peace we are talking about comes from GOD

What is NOT a peacemaker?

  • Someone who gossips about others
  • Someone who tries to get others in trouble
  • Someone who sit and watches others while they are in a conflict for their own "entertainment"

REWARD: Will be called sons of God

  • We can't be fully at peace with God until we are at peace with others around us. When we find that peace, we will be able to feel content and whole
  • The burden that is removed from us when we reconcile allows us to clearly see ourselves as sons of God


  • Joseph making peace with his brothers who sold him into slavery (See Genesis 45)
  • Jesus as the ultimate peacemaker
  • Apostolic kiss in liturgy - being at peace with each other, particularly before communion

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

What does it mean to be persecuted for righteousness sake?

  • Suffering for the sake of Christ.
  • In the following verse, Christ re-explains/elaborates on this Beatitude
    • "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matt 5:11-12)

What are the different forms of being persecuted or suffering for righteousness sake?

  • Persecution has existed from the time of the prophets to this day, and has taken different forms over the centuries.
    • Persecution of the prophets in the Old Testament
    • Persecution of martyrs in the early Church
    • Modern day bombings and attacks on Copts in Egypt
    • Psychological/social oppression/persecution of Christians
  • While the students may not likely face physical persecution for their beliefs, they may face social persecution as they live a Christian life:
    • Praying before lunch
    • Playing with the new kid or "weird" kid at recess
    • Telling the truth when you do something wrong
    • Showing mercy to siblings and friends when they are mean
    • Choosing to live in purity
    • Reading your Bible during free reading time in class.
  • It is important that we do NOT stop doing these things or "hide" our faith to avoid persecution, but rather always be an example of Christ.

REWARD: For theirs is the kingdom of heaven

  • Those who are persecuted in any form receive a greater reward for being willing to stand up for their faith
    • E.g., Crown of martyrdom

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 10 Minutes


  • How can we practice being peacemakers? What are some practical things we can do?
    • (List student answers on the board and add your own. Answers may include showing kindness to the school bully, becoming friends with the new kid, not talking back to your parents, playing nicely with your siblings.)
  • Explain to the students the importance of reconciling with others and being at peace with everyone, and making sure everyone is at peace with you BEFORE taking communion.
    • We cannot enjoy reconciliation with God in Jesus Christ unless we have peace with one another.
    • "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift." (Matt 5:23-24)


  • What are 3 ways that we can be persecuted in today's society and what should our reaction be? (Refer to Matt 5:11-12)
    • Based on responses, make sure discussion is directed to happily accepting persecution. As Christ showed us His love by suffering, we must be willing to suffer for Him as well.

CONCLUSION - 10 Minutes

Our society is filled with conflict, wars, and violence. Meaningless drama has become an increasingly popular form of entertainment (e.g., reality shows). Additionally this lifestyle is promoted by people who are always sitting on the sidelines eager to watch conflict. For example, some of the most popular videos on Youtube or TV shows are of people fighting while others watch or shout comments to make things worse. We have to resist this mindset to remember that we are children of God who are meant to be peacemakers and rejoice in reconciliation. Also, we must recognize the forms of persecution we see in modern times, and to always be ready to face them with joy without being ashamed or fearful.

ACTIVITY - 20 Minutes

  • After reviewing all the Beatitudes, have the students match each one to its reward. This can be done in a variety of activities. See attached activities.
  • Complete "Living the Beatitudes" worksheet attached.


Contemplations on the Sermon on the Mount, by H.H. Pope Shenouda III