Faith Module
The objective of this module is to compare and contrast Orthodoxy with other major religions. Comparative theology is a difficult, yet important topic, and our youth should begin understanding their faith from alternative points of views. Furthermore, seeing and believing the truth in our faith will undoubtedly prove beneficial.
Please read through all of the lessons in this module in preparation for this lesson.
- Week 1: Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism
- Week 2:Orthodoxy and Protestantism
- Week 3: Orthodoxy and the Cults
- Week 4: Orthodoxy and Far-Eastern Religions
- Capstone Activity
Using scripture to "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." 2 Timothy 4:2. Being able to become a defender of the faith against non-Orthodox, and explain the faith to non-believers.
By learning more about the faith, and seeing that it is true, the students would want to cling more to the teachings of the church.
Should a student be questioned for his/her faith, they should be able to defend it properly, and furthermore, teach about it. By understanding the faiths of other cultures, it better prepares them for the outside world.
As the students learn more about the faith, they should begin practicing it more diligently. Learning more about theology and dogma should lead them to becoming more astute Christians, and lights in the world.