History Module


Students should become familiar with the history of the church, with a focus on the early spread of Christianity and the three Ecumenical Councils that the Orthodox Church recognizes). Understanding the councils will give students insight on how to strengthen their faith.


Please read through all of the lessons in this module in preparation for this lesson.

  • Week 1: Council of Nicea (325 A.D.)
  • Week 2: Council of Constantinople (381 A.D.)
  • Week 3: Council of Ephesus (431 A.D.)
  • Week 4: Dioscorus and Chalcedon (451 A.D.)
  • Capstone Activity



Students should focus on memorizing the weekly verses as well as memorizing and understanding our Orthodox Creed.


Understand the Holy Trinity: God is one in Essence, yet three, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in Persons. There is true unity in God, eternally, combined with genuinely personal differentiation: the term 'essence', 'substance', 'being', or 'nature' indicates the unity, and the term person indicates the differentiation.

Jesus Christ is one Person who is fully human and fully divine.


Students should realize the importance of being knowledgeable about their faith so that they can understand what they believe, as well as be able to explain that belief to others when challenged. Also, students should practice avoiding trivial arguments, while also engaging in any important discussions with gentleness, patience, and humility (2 Timothy 2: 23-26).


Students should gain a general idea of why we proclaim the Creed in the liturgy and why it is a pivotal part of our faith.