Palm Sunday Part 2: Coptic Rite


Students will be able to summarize the main aspects & basic spiritual explanations of the Coptic Rite for the Feast of Palm Sunday, the Entry of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.


Evlogimenos: A central hymn from Palm Sunday, which comes from Psalm 118: 25-26 - Lyrics


"Hosanna Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord' Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that comes in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest" (Mark 11:10)

Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: "Hosanna to the Son of David 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'Hosanna in the highest" (Matthew 21:9)


The seventh Sunday in the Great Lent and is known as "Hosanna Sunday" or "Palm Sunday"

"Hoshana" is a Hebrew word meaning please save or save now.

"Hosanna " (ὡσαννά, hōsanna) is the Greek word, and was the cry of praise shouted by the crowds of people when they welcomed Our Lord Jesus Christ entered into Jerusalem as King.

Overall, "Hosanna" it seems was used as both a plea for salvation, and as a declaration of praise.

The word "Palm" came from the way the people welcomed Our Lord Jesus Christ by waving palm and olive branches along the road way. From here came the naming of this Sunday as Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday in the Coptic Orthodox Church has a special rite & unique tune that's known as "Sha'aneen" (Arabic word, comes from Hebew and Greek)

During the morning offering of incense (baaker), there is a procession with the priests, deacons, and deaconess inside the church consisting of the Holy Cross, candles, palm and olive branches, flowers, incense, and the icon of the entry of Our Lord to Jerusalem.

Twelve readings from the Holy Gospel are read at different locations and icons in the church. Before each reading, the priest says the prayer of the Holy Gospel. This rite is repeated during the two feasts of the Holy Cross which occur on 16th of Thout (mid to late September) and 10 Paremhat (mid March).

Also in the rite of Palm Sunday Liturgy instead of reading one Gospel, the Four Gospels are read :

  • Matthew 21: 1-17
  • Mark 11:1-10
  • Luke 19:28-46
  • John 12:12-19

The priest says the prayer of the Holy Gospel twice, once before the first Gospel and the second one before the fourth Gospel.

The Holy Liturgy then continues as usual but using the special "Hosanna Joyful Tune" called "Sha'aneen" and joyous tunes through the receiving of the Holy Communion.

During the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, the priest dismisses the Angel of the Sacrifice, however, he does not dismiss the congregation. Instead, he shuts the veil of the Sanctuary, and proceeds immediately with the General Funeral Prayers & Rite.

General Funeral Prayers & Rite:

The other unique rite on Palm Sunday is the General Funeral prayers after the Divine Liturgy

The priests remove their white vestments and deacons remove their "batrasheen" or turn them around to the dark blue or black side.

Why does the Church conduct a General Funeral at the end of the Palm Sunday Liturgy?

There is no offering of incense made during the upcoming Holy Pascha Week because during this week the church focuses only on Our Lord Jesus Christ and His passions.

If a person departs during the Pascha week, their coffin is entered into the church and one of the Pascha hours is prayed, no offering of incense is made, the father priest prays for him the absolution and then sprinkles on the coffin water from the General Funeral.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 10 Minutes

  • What do you think about the startling contrast between the joyful welcoming of Our Lord Jesus Christ by the Jews into the earthly Jerusalem, followed so quickly by their rejection of Him during the upcoming Holy Pascha Week?
  • What about the contrast between the unique and joyful "Sha'aneen" tune followed by the mournful and sad tunes of the General Funeral prayers?
  • What do these contrasts say about the Jews? About us ?


The Great Fast is a journey of abstinence, prayer, learning, and reflection. How can we continue to learn and grow during one of the holiest times in our Church calendar, the Holy Pascha Week?

Preparation is important, and we can all receive guidance from various books about how to benefit from Holy Pascha Week; for example:

Guide to the Holy Pascha Week

ACTIVITY - 5 Minutes

In keeping with the theme of "preparation," try to jump start your full engagement with our Lord Jesus Christ in His sufferings the upcoming Holy Pascha week by participating in the Palm Sunday Evening Offering of incense, and with reading that evening's Gospel and pre-read the 4 Gospels for Palm Sunday. You can also gain a deeper understanding by reading the "Insights" for each day & Eve Of the Next Day in the Coptic Reader which will give you an overview of important concepts.