Service Module


The objective of this module is to learn aspects and characteristics of service through the study of Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians.


Scripture: The Holy Bible describes the mission of the Holy Disciples and Honored Apostles in the passage immediately after the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord tells them:

"19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Matthew 28:19-20

Spiritual: When discussing the mission work of St. Paul, it is very important to not neglect his training and preparation. Before St. Paul went on his missionary trips, he spent three years in Arabia. Some church fathers have said that St. Paul went to meditate and learn more about the Lord Jesus Christ. It is important for us to maintain our spiritual connection with God in order to freely and openly preach His Name and His Word to anyone we meet.

Social: As we analyze the life of St. Paul, we note a great difference in his personality and character before and after his conversion. There is little doubt that St. Paul was very zealous. However, his zeal without Christ was leading him to persecute and kill Christians; while his Zeal with Christ was leading him to save as many people as possible. Once St. Paul experienced the Love of Christ, he converted from a strict follower of Jewish law and traditions, to the preacher of the gentiles.

Rituals: The Coptic Church's Rituals include a reading from the Epistles of St. Paul at every Divine Liturgy (Liturgy of the Word). Of the twenty-seven (27) books of the New Testament, fourteen (14) of them are Epistles of St. Paul. During the Pauline Epistle, the Priest encircles the church with the censor. According to the rite, during the reading of the Pauline Epistle, the Priest prays an inaudible prayer asking the Lord Christ to open the minds and hearts of those listening so that they are free from wandering and able to learn and understand.


Please read through all of the lessons in this module in preparation for this lesson.

  • Week 1: God's Fellow Workers
  • Week 2: Qualities of Servants
  • Week 3: Unity and Gifts in Service
  • Week 4: Love: The Greatest Gift
  • Capstone Activity

As a class, you can choose to do a few of the service actions or all of them. As you encourage students to do the action, it's important to stress that these are simple, yet practical ways students can be living Gospels in their homes and schools.


Please make every effort to incorporate our Orthodox traditions, liturgical practices, saints, and sacraments in every lesson.


Every lesson contains suggested material for you to send out to parents/guardians on a weekly basis. The ultimate goal is to give parents tools and resources necessary to educate their children every day, creating an Orthodox Christian home.