Qualities of Servants
- Today's objective is to understand the qualities of servants in 1 Co. 4:1-7, namely stewardship, faithfulness, accountable, non-judgmental (merciful), and humble.
- A child is very proud of her toy, and measures her self worth from it
- The toy did not belong to her, but was a gift given to her by her parents
- As she becomes more invested in the toy, her heart grows callous towards her parents
- However, as she recognized the gift comes from her parents, she demonstrates greater love and appreciation towards them, which may very well result in another gift----another toy
- As a child ought to love her parents more than the toy she received, a servant ought to love God and recognize that the gifts the servants received are manifestations of God's loving kindness
- Continuing from last week's lesson on God's fellow workers, we will talk about qualities of the one who works with God, and how one appreciates the gifts in service (covered next week)
- 1 Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by a human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 For I know of nothing against myself, yet I am not justified by this; but He who judges me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one's praise will come from God. 6 Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other. 7 For who makes you differ from another? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it? (1 Co. 4:1-7)
Memory Verse
"Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful" (1 Co. 4:2).
CONTENT - 20 Minutes
- Stewards of the Mysteries of God (1 Co. 4:1)
- Many of the Church Fathers read this first verse to mean the Apostolic ministry, as opposed to the ministry of the sacrament (i.e. priesthood)
- Since Paul's ministry is apostolic, it means that his ministry is consistent with theirs
- As servants, we are given the gift of the Apostolic ministry, meaning that we are blessed to continue their service through their teachings and examples
- Therefore, when we talk about faithfulness, we may consider faithfulness to the Apostolic doctrine and tradition, by which the church preserves the life and teaching of Christ
- Faithful (1 Co. 4:2)
- The Fathers teach us that a servant's duty is to administer well the things that have been entrusted to him, which are the acts of mercy and kindness of Christ, as well as the true Apostolic faith
- We also acknowledge that everything we have, we receive from God, including our faith and our service
- Accountable to God (1 Co. 4:3-4)
- A servant is not judged by man, meaning that man cannot tell a servant that his service is acceptable or unacceptable, but is judged by God, who has given us this service
- We should not let praise make us think that we are good servants, or criticism to make us think that we are bad servants, but when there is praise, this belongs to God, while, when there is criticism, God is giving us an opportunity to grow in our service
- Therefore the servant does not act to please man, but acts in fear and reverence towards God, to glorify Him and to demonstrate true love to others
- Does not Judge others (1 Co. 4:5)
- The Church Fathers understand this verse to mean that we should not prefer one person over another or consider one person less or better than another
- As God came and served all people with love, calling all to repentance, so we too, as servants, treat all people with love and respect, not discriminating or putting one over the other
- As God is merciful and gives us time to repent, so we too demonstrate the mercy of God to all people, showing them love with qualification
- Be Humble----Our gifts come from God (1 Co. 4:6-7)
- We cannot take pride in our talents and skills because these were gifts bestowed by the mercy and grace of God as tools for service
- If we have a special talent like wisdom, articulation, speech, music, athleticism, charisma, or art, we cannot take pride in these because these did not originate from us, but are gifts from God
- We cannot be proud as servants, because the grace by which we serve is a gift from God, and the success we may find in service is God's success, in which we share as His fellow workers
DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 10 Minutes
- What does it mean to be faithful in service? What is an example of faithfulness, and what may be an example of lacking faithfulness?
- How can judgment hurt our service? To put it another way, how does mercy make our service more effective?
- How can a servant recognize his gifts while simultaneously remaining humble?
- Be faithful in your service by first being faithful in your spiritual life, keeping the promises you make to God to pray, read your Bible, and participate in the sacramental life, which is the foundation of our Christian lives
- As God does not condemn us for our sin, but rather calls us to repent through acts of lovingkindness, let our service be filled with acts of mercy to everyone, despite who they are
- Let us be aware that God gave us gifts for the sake of the church, let us thank Him for these gifts, and let us use these gifts for the benefit of the community (next week's lesson)
- Continue to get your child involved with some kind of service at the church, or to help a family member or person in the community who is in need
- Talk to the servant of the class about organizing a service activity or event that can be done at the end of this module
- See with other parents if they could possibly form a group that can organize services in which families may take part