Spirituality Module


In this orthodox spirituality module, students will learn how to both theoretically and practically turn their lives away from the worldly and towards the spiritual. Through the Holy Bible and the sayings of the fathers, they will learn how to engage in reflection upon their thoughts and their actions. They will be taught then to use those reflective tools to make practical changes in their lives that would conform them more and more toward the image and Likeness of God.


Please read through all of the lessons in this module in preparation for this lesson.

  • Week 1: Awareness (4 Stages of Sin)
  • Week 2: Three Pillars of Worship
  • Week 3: The Prodigal Son
  • Week 4: How to Overcome/Victory
  • Capstone Activity


Please make every effort to incorporate our Orthodox traditions, liturgical practices, and sacraments in every lesson.


Every lesson contains suggested material for you to send to parents/guardians on a weekly basis. The ultimate goal is to give parents tools and resources necessary to educate their children every day, creating an Orthodox Christian home.