

Students should have a basic understanding of the state of the Coptic church under the changing Islamic regime and the consequences it had on Coptic Orthodoxy. This week's activity tests the students' knowledge and further enforces the information.


Split the class into four groups for the four eras (Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids, and Ayyubids and Mamluks) of the Islamic regime over Egypt. Provide your students with the main points of discussion and give them a few minutes at the beginning of class to gather and discuss their ideas. After that, provide them some poster boards and art supplies (if available), and have them create a poster to present their ideas. The last twenty minutes of class (5 minutes per group but you can adjust as needed) should be dedicated to student presentations. Since the four lessons presented a good amount of information, the servant should be going around helping the students by giving them some pointers and helpful hints. The students are early in their high school journey so they should learn how to be responsible, get their work done, and be able to work well with others.