Faith Module


The theme of this module is God is Love. God is our Father and loves us so much. He shows us His love by creating the world and all nature for us, sending His Son to die on the cross for our sins, and His Resurrection to give us joy in salvation.

God is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, Three in One. God the Father Created, God the Son Built, and the Holy Spirit Gave Life. We will delve into the attributes of our Holy God, as Holy Mighty and Holy Immortal.

God created all things visible and invisible. Our Heavenly Father wishes all good things for us, whether we can see those blessings or not. Guardian angels are one of those blessings that we know are there, but we do not see with our eyes.

Finally, we will focus on our love in return to God. Our goal is to teach the kindergarteners ways to express their love for God through faithful practices.


Please read through all of the lessons in this module in preparation for this lesson.

  • Week 1: God is Love
  • Week 2: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal
  • Week 3: Visible and Invisible Creation
  • Week 4: Loving God through Faith
  • Capstone Activity



Our God is a God of Love, this is evidenced in the Bible, His Holy Word. From the story of Creation in the Old Testament, to the story of Salvation in the New Testament, the Bible is the love story ofGod to mankind. The kindergarteners will be introduced to various stories in the Bible that emphasize God's love for us, including creation, the support of angels, and salvation through the Cross.


Our relationship with God is a relationship of love. Saint John the Apostle says, "We love Him, because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19). Our perception of God's love for us leads to loving Him. God's love for us is an unlimited subject, as it is related to God's unlimited and incomprehensible love for mankind as a whole. We cannot perceive the depth of God's love for us because our mind and perception are limited; yet let us try to speak for even a little bit of God's love for us.


St. Cyril of Alexandria explains that our calling to love is by definition the very expression that Christ himself revealed to us during his time on earth. He explains that while the law of Moses clearly taught to Love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and strength, what Christ now adds is of immense importance. Christ adds "as I have loved you, that you also love one another." A new standard is set. A new revelation of Love has been demonstrated. -Fr. Anthony Mourad


Whoever loves God will be led by this love in all his spiritual practices. He reads for God's sake to enjoy Him, prays or ministers for His sake to meet with Him and to enjoy His Life-Giving-Sacraments, goes to church, attends spiritual meetings, speaks with people for His sake to speak to them about Him. For God's sake he keeps silent to meditate on His beautiful attributes. For His sake he lives to minister to Him and to spread His name. For His sake he dies to meet with Him in Paradise then in the kingdom, as St. Paul says, "If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord ... whether we live or die, we are the Lord's." (Rom 14: 8) -His Holiness Pope Shenouda III