Liturgy Module


The objective of the Liturgy module is to teach the children the importance of liturgical traditions. In Kindergarten, we will go over the how and when to pray. The children will also learn prayers, psalms, and hymns that are used in the Divine Liturgy and in our Orthodox prayers. Week 5 is the capstone week to review and pray together.


Please read through all of the lessons in this module in preparation for this module.

  • Week 1: What is the Liturgy? Why do we pray Liturgy?
  • Week 2: Hymns
  • Week 3: Etiquette in Church-Do's and Don'ts
  • Week 4: Vespers
  • Week 5: Capstone



The children should have a clear understanding that all of our prayers and rites are Biblical and that we follow our Lord's example. The word "Liturgy" refers to the Christian remembrance and celebration of Jesus Christ's propitiatory sacrifice of His body and blood. "And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, 'This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.' Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.'" Luke 22:19-20


The Divine Liturgy, Vespers, and hymns are all ways for us to talk to our Lord and strengthen our relationship with Him. The Holy Spirit underlies and pervades the Church's celebration of the Holy Eucharist. He makes present the blessed Body and Blood of the risen Lord Jesus Christ and by our eating and drinking the Holy Gifts, we ourselves are renewed in the Spirit.


This invitation to partake of the Holy Eucharist is truly an extension to the day of the Pentecost. For by partaking in one bread and one cup with one spirit we are united with our Lord Jesus Christ and with one another to become one church, the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ and enter in partnership with the Spirit receiving the forgiveness of our sins. We hope the kindergarteners really take to heart the reverence that the Liturgy demands and behave appropriately.


Although it is the Holy Spirit that accomplishes the change of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of the incarnate Word, it is by our partaking of our Lord's Body and Blood that we receive the Holy Spirit. The Spirit indwells, penetrates, and suffuses the glorified flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ. St. Paul writes: "Thus it is written, 'The first man Adam became a living being'; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit" (1 Cor 15:45). The children should have a broad sense of the meanings behind Abouna's movements in the Church.


Every lesson contains suggested practices and routines for you to send out to parents/guardians on a weekly basis. The ultimate goal is to give parents tools necessary to educate their children every day, creating an Orthodox Christian home. Encourage parents to create a prayer corner in their home or kindergartener's bedroom to practice daily prayers as a family. Add the Last Supper icon and Crossing of the Red Sea to your prayer space at home and discuss the importance of Vespers and the Liturgy in your family. Try to come early to Church with your kindergarteners and follow in the book with them. You can encourage them by helping them pick out their best clothes the night before Liturgy and set an alarm to get up on time.