Church Etiquette
The objective of this lesson is for the kindergartners to understand the correct behaviors that we should be demonstrating in the House of God "the church".
Sing "O Be Careful, Little Eyes" with the kindergarteners and talk about the church and it is the house of God and this is the place we come and pray together the liturgy. What should we do when we first enter the church? We use all our senses and our whole body to pray and worship God. Especially when standing in Church, our eyes should be on the altar, our ears should be listening to the priest, our hands should be open in worship, our feet should be standing in praise, and our mouths should be singing with the deacons.
"But as for me, I will come into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy;
In fear of You I will worship toward Your holy temple." Psalm 5:7
Memory Verse
"In fear of You, I will worship toward Your holy temple"
Psalm 5:7
DO's AND DON'Ts IN CHURCH - 15 Minutes
Have the children each write their names on a piece of paper and throw them in a bowl. Pull one child's name out of the bowl and have them act out each appropriate behavior listed below. Make sure you do not replace the names already used until everyone has had a turn. The lesson calls for nine volunteers, you can have the children repeat each behavior so everyone has a turn.
- A pair of shorts and a pair of nice pants
- An icon
- A tonia and a head scarf for girls
- Children's Liturgy book
The Church is the house of God, it is a place of prayer. When we come to God's house, we can show Him that we love Him by being on our best behavior. Do you think we should be running around and going in and out a lot?
We should choose our nicest clothes to wear to church. Make sure that you are clean, your hair is combed and your teeth are brushed. This shows our respect for God's house.
- (Props: shorts, pants; have the kindergartener choose which is best for church)
When you enter the church, you should bow while doing the sign of the cross or do a metania. We say our memory verse, "In fear of You, I will worship toward Your holy temple."
- (Guide the kindergartener into a correct metania, have the class repeat the verse together)
Kiss the icons as you pass them and light a candle while saying a prayer. Remember the candles are prayers, do not blow them out.
- (Prop: icon; two ways to kiss the icon, by kissing it or touching it and kissing the hand if you can't reach it)
Girls should wear a scarf over their hair. If a boy is ordained, he should dress as a deacon. Likewise the girls, if they are a deaconess.
- (Prop: a tonia and a scarf; choose two students to show the correct way to wear these)
When we walk in church, we use quiet footsteps, never running or jumping. We need to keep the church quiet for everyone who is praying.
- (Student can walk in place quietly to show how we use quiet steps in church)
Follow the prayers on the screens or in your own book. Please keep phones off and away from you in church. All our attention should be on our Lord Jesus Christ.
- (Student can use the Liturgy book and show the class their favorite page)
When it's time to take communion, stand in line and wait patiently for your turn with your parents. Do not stand with your friends in line or it will be very hard to stay quiet.
- (Instead of calling a student up to act this out, open it up to discussion and ask them what are the pros and cons of each behavior. If you can have the children come to the conclusion that standing with their parents is better for them and for the church as a whole, they are more likely to correct their behavior.)
During communion, say "Amen" when the priest says, "This is the True Body of Emmanuel our God." Open your mouth wide for the priest and cover your mouth after receiving the Body of Christ. Again, say "Amen" when the priest says, "This is the True Blood of Emmanuel our God." Open your mouth wide for the priest, but do not cover your mouth after the Blood of Christ. Take a sip of water to swallow all of the communion in your mouth.
- (Have two students act out the priest and the congregant with the congregant responding with "Amen" and opening their mouth wide and their hands to their sides)
Finally, sing with the deacons while the Holy Communion is delivered to the rest of the congregation. Singing along will help you stay focused on our Lord, instead of standing and talking with your friends or playing on the phone.
The Divine Liturgy feels long and it may be hard to stay focused, but if you realize that you've become distracted just re-focus and try again. It's ok if we make mistakes, just don't give up Keep working hard to have your best behavior in church
ACTIVITY - 5 Minutes
Download and print the Church Etiquette Worksheets below for each kindergartener to complete. There are two worksheet options depending on the ability of your kindergarteners.
- The children's picture book, "Josiah and Julia Go To Church" by Kelly Lardin is an effective tool in teaching the children how to behave in church.
Try to come early to Church with your kindergarteners and follow in the book with them. You can encourage them by helping them pick out their best clothes the night before and set an alarm to get up on time.
Model best behavior in church and insist that they stand and sing as much as possible, considering their age and ability. Take communion with them to model quietly waiting and saying "Amen" before accepting the Holy Communion.
Remind your child of the memory verse
"In fear of You, I will worship toward Your holy temple." (Psalm 5:7)