Respecting Your Elders
The objective of the morality module is to build a foundation of morality in children stemming purely from their love to our God. It is important that children have self awareness that their identity is rooted only in Christ. In this module, it is key that we guide our children to craft a Christian conscience. The purpose of this lesson is for each child to understand the importance of respect authority, such as parents, teachers, clergy and everyone around them. Children should understand that they must show respect to everyone around them because every person is created in the image of God and they are loved by Him.
Please review the previous week's lesson. (5 minutes)
Show the children this short film on respecting the elderly. Throughout the video, pause and ask questions. Ask the kids what they notice. Although the old woman ate the boy's snack by accident, the young boy respected her and did not yell at her. He kindly shared his food with her. Discuss what respect is. Respect is thinking and acting in a godly way that shows others that you care about them. To respect others, we must see others in God's image.
Next, show the icon of St. Pishoy carrying Jesus on his shoulders (also found in attachments below). Ask the kids what they notice or see. If they need guidance ask them some questions such as who is being carried? Why is the monk holding a staff? Then dive into the content section.
Memory Verse
"You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the Lord."
Leviticus 19:32
As you tell the kids this special story remember to evoke empathy. St. Pishoy was called the perfect man because he treated everyone with love, compassion and respect. He wished to see Jesus and he got a promise that Jesus would appear to him on the mountain of Shehet. He told the monks the good news. When the monks heard that Jesus would appear at the top of the mountain, they all quickly rushed to go there. There was an old man who was not able to go up the mountains. He stretched out his hand asking for the help, but the monks acted as if they could not see him and did not pay attention to him. St. Pishoy saw this old man struggling and stopped to help him up. He lifted up the man and carried him on his own shoulders as he climbed up the mountain.
Imagine carrying an old man up a mountain. It must have been very hard. As St. Pishoy went up the mountain, something amazing happened, the load became lighter and lighter then he discovered that the old man was actually Jesus, and that everyone else had ignored him. As you say the lesson, show the children, the icon and attached pictures below.
DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes
Ask the students:
- What is respect and why is it important?
- To whom should we show respect?
- How can we show respect?
St. Pishoy got to experience one of the greatest blessings because of his compassion and respect for other people around him. Even though he did not know the old man, he went out of his way and his heart was drawn to help him. In return, God blessed him and revealed himself to him.
We should be like St. Pishoy and learn from his example of love and humility and respect for those around him especially the elderly. We need to honor and obey authority such as our teachers, clergy and especially our parents the elderly. Respecting others comes from seeing people around us the way God sees them. God loves all people and we want to do what God taught us, to love and serve others just as he did and just as St.Pishoy did.
What are some ways we can respect others?
- Not talking back to adults and parents in a disrespectful way
- Not interrupting conversation between adults
- Not interrupting someone while speaking
- Addressing adults with Mr., Mrs., Ms, Tant, Uncle, Sir, Abouna etc
- Saying "thank you, no thank you, or may I"
- Paying close attention when an adult speaks to you
- Helping adults around us
- Obeying adults around us
- Greeting adults around us by saying "Good morning, good night, or good afternoon"
- Opening doors for adults
- Greeting those who are home upon leaving or coming home
ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes
This will be an interactive class activity. Prepare this beforehand. You will need a blank poster, colorful construction paper, glue, scissors and markers. First, write "How does respect grow?" on the poster using a marker. Using the construction paper, create and glue soil and stem of the roses on the poster. Cut out construction paper in rose or flower shaped templates. In class, give each child a rose and have them to write or draw one way that respect grows. Answers can be used from the life application section. If a child needs help, guide them. You can include specific characteristics, actions or verses. Next glue all the answers on the posters and hang in the classroom.
This week at home:
- Ask to be compassionate and respectful as St Pishoy was to others and include him in the prayers
- Encourage your child to respect the elderly, teachers, clergy, authority and everyone around them
- Whenever you notice your child being respectful give them a positive comment that will encourage them to practice this skill
- Color the coloring page of St. Pishoy and memorize the verse (attached below)