The objective of the morality module is to build a foundation of morality in children stemming purely from their love to our God. It is important that children have self awareness that their identity is rooted only in Christ. In this module, it is key that we guide our children to craft a Christian conscience. The purpose of this lesson is to teach children the importance of giving and sharing as a true Christian. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to give and to love others not only with our words, but with actions.
Please review the previous week's lesson. (5 minutes)
To begin, give each child one single crayon and a blank piece of paper and ask them to draw a rainbow. The kids will not be able to complete this challenge unless they share crayons with each other. Challenge the kids and see if they are able to figure this out on their own. If not, provide some guidance. Point out their good sharing skills. "You kiddos are sharing really well. You are so kind."
At the end of the challenge, tell the kids, "not everybody had all the colors needed to draw a rainbow, but when we shared, we were able to draw a beautiful rainbow. God wants us to share and when we share, He blesses everything. Today, we will talk about a special miracle that Jesus did to feed 5000 and it all started with sharing." This miracle is so special that it is recorded in all 4 Gospels Show the icon of Jesus feeding the 5000 (also attached below), then dive into the content.
Memory Verse: "God loves a cheerful giver"- 2 Corinthians 9:7
This story is about a special miracle that Jesus performed. Large groups of people were following Jesus because they loved listening to His teaching and they wanted to hear the word of God. The disciples wanted to rest, so Jesus told them "come with me and we will find a quiet place to talk and get some rest." They went in a boat to a quiet place, but many people saw them leaving and recognized them and quickly followed them. There was a large crowd waiting for them on the land. There were more than 5000 people waiting to hear Jesus. Imagine 5000 people. That's even more than our church or your school
Jesus was compassionate and kind towards the people and wanted to teach them. It was getting late and none of the people had eaten yet. The disciples came to Jesus and said there is no food nearby and it's getting late. The Disciples wanted to tell the people to go to nearby towns to get something to eat. But Jesus said no, the people have been with Me all day, you should give them something to eat. The disciples kept saying there isn't enough food for all the people and they did not have enough money to buy food for 5000 people. Then Andrew the disciple noticed a small boy walking with 5 loaves and 2 fish. The boy could have kept his lunch to himself, but instead, he decided to share it. Jesus told everyone to sit down in groups, took the 5 loaves and 2 fish, and thanked God. He then prayed and blessed the food. All of a sudden there was a lot more food than before It was enough to feed all the people as much as they could eat and there was even extra that filled 12 baskets. Everyone ate, was happy and full. This was a miracle that started with a little boy who was willing to share all that he had
DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 10 Minutes
Ask the students:
- Why is sharing important?
- What will happen if we share with others?
- How can we share with others?
- How can we be compassionate just as Jesus was towards the hungry multitude?
- If we do not have enough to share, what should we do?
- Would you share your food even if you were hungry?
- Can you tell about a time when you shared something or someone shared with you? How did it make you/them feel?
The miracle that Jesus performed all started with a little boy willing to share everything he had. Whenever we share, God will bless whatever we give. Even if we give the last toy, cookie or dollar, God will bless everything we have. He will always provide for His people, even when we give up everything. We have to trust Him. Sharing is caring. Jesus blessed the 5 loaves and 2 fish the little boy had and there was more than enough for everybody.
ACTIVITY - 10-15 Minutes
Have the students make a basket with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread just as the little boy gave Jesus.
Materials: Paper plates, fish and loaf cutouts or stickers (see attached), and string or pipe cleaners. If you choose the cutouts of fish/loaves of bread, you can use tape or glue to stick them to the paper plate.
Directions: Glue one pipe cleaner on each side of the plate. Next, stick the fish/bread and have the kids color them.
Another activity is to sing this song to the tune of happy birthday:
One boy had two fish (hold up 2 fingers)
And five loaves of bread (hold up 5 fingers)
He shared them with Jesus (hold hand out; palms up)
Lots of people were fed (wiggle fingers to show lots of people)
If there is time at the end of the lesson show a video:
This week we will focus on sharing at home. Encourage your child to share in any way. Praise your child whenever you notice good sharing skills.
Have the kids color the coloring page and memorize the memory verse (attached below)
During prayer at home, mention the 5 loaves and 2 fish miracle and ask God to open our hearts to share just like the little boy who gave his food for Jesus.