The Annunciation


The objective of this module is to introduce the New Testament. In kindergarten, you will go over the Annunciation, the Nativity, the entrance to the Temple, and the Epiphany. This lesson will highlight the differences between the Old and New Testaments through the story of the Annunciation.


Guide the children in singing "Shere Ne Maria", feel free to pick and choose particular verses or the whole selection, depending on the time and attention span of your students. Be certain to point out how Saint Mary bridges the Old Testament and the New Testament in this hymn.

Shere Ne Maria: Eighth Part of the Sunday Theotokia - Audio | Lyrics


Read the story of the Annunciation in Luke 1:26-38 to the kindergarteners. Be sure to read with emphasis and inflection in your voice. It is important to make the reading come alive to keep them engaged with the story.

Memory Verse

"And having come in, the angel said to her, 'Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women'" (Luke 1:28)


After having the students repeat the memory verse a couple times, ask why Archangel Gabriel called Saint Mary "highly favored one". What does it mean that Saint Mary is blessed among women?

Since the first sin, our Lord Jesus Christ was waiting to bring His children back to His home in Heaven. When Adam and Eve made that first mistake in the Old Testament, the doors of Heaven closed because sin cannot be in the same place as our Heavenly Father. So for the rest of the Old Testament, our Loving Father used the prophets to send the message of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. Just like in the hymn, Shere Ne Maria, the prophets were all waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ to come.

The New Testament starts with Archangel Gabriel telling Saint Mary that she has been chosen to be the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. So all of the New Testament is about how our Lord Jesus Christ became Man and saved us from our sins.

Saint Mary knew the scriptures very well. She studied the Old Testament while she lived in the temple as a child. When Archangel Gabriel told her this message, Saint Mary understood that salvation was finally coming to her people. She was chosen from all women, past, present and future, to be the mother of the Messiah. This great honor makes her the best of all humanity, the pride of the human race.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes

Ask the kindergarteners if they remember the story of the burning bush and Moses in the Old Testament. Show them the attached icon and illustrate how the burning bush was a symbol of Saint Mary. Our holy mother carried the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, without burning. Saint Mary fulfills all the symbols and prophecies in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament.


Saint Mary was ready to receive Archangel Gabriel's good news because her heart was open to God our Father. Saint Mary is a beautiful model of prayer and worship that we should work hard to be like. Just like Saint Mary, we should read the Bible everyday and keep our heart open to our Lord Jesus Christ, so we can also be ready to do the Lord's work.

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

  • Have the students color the attached icon of the Annunciation. For students who want to challenge themselves, write the names "Archangel Gabriel" and "Theotokos" or "Saint Mary" on the board to transcribe on their own papers.



Annunciation Story,

His Holiness Pope Shenoda sermon on Saint Mary

His Grace Bishop Youssef sermon on Humility of Saint Mary


Review the story of the Annunciation with your children. Encourage your children to pray through the intercessions of Saint Mary and Archangel Gabriel during your prayer routines at home. Be sure to read the Bible with your child every day. During the week, you can quiz your child by naming a Bible character and asking them if they belong in the Old Testament or the New Testament.