Archangel Michael


The objective of the Saints module is to teach the children about the lives of the saints. In Kindergarten, we will go over Saint Demiana, Archangel Michael, Saint Anthony, and Saint George. It is important to explain that the saints are simply members of our congregation who together praise and worship God. We do not worship the saints, instead, we ask them as our friends to pray for us. Week 5 is the capstone week to review and serve together. The objective of this lesson is to familiarize the kindergartners with Archangel Michael. Make sure students know where to find his icon in the Church (directly to the left of the Theotokos Saint Mary).


Start with evaluating what the kindergarteners already know about angels and archangels. If you have a white board, write down their responses and discuss which ones are correct and which ones need guidance. Oftentimes, the children will have misconstrued ideas about angels from society, so it's a good idea to correct them from the start. It's important to make sure they don't feel bad about any misunderstandings, always give reassurance and love with guidance.


Memory Verse

"For He shall command His angels concerning you, To keep you in all your ways." (Psalm 90:11)


In the Divine Liturgy, we learn that there are "thousands of thousands" and "ten thousands times ten thousands" of angels that serve the Lord (Daniel 7:10 and Revelations 5:11). There are ranks of angels, just like there are ranks in the church, for order and structure. There are seven archangels, the first among them being Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael is the commander of the angels.

Pope Shenouda says that angels are "beautiful heavenly souls of light." They had a period of time where they enjoyed freedom of will, but have since been perfected and their will has been united to that of God's will. Humanity is unique in that we enjoy God's grace and His glory in salvation through Christ, our Lord -- things which angels desire to look into. We also are able to partake of the Divine Body and the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, which the angels cannot.

So, what happened to the angels who did not pass the test of free will? Archangel Michael and his host of angels had a mighty battle with the devil and the fallen angels. Of course, Archangel Michael won and sent the devil and his servants out of Heaven. We recognize Archangel Michael as the commander of his host and the first of the archangels. His name in Hebrew means "who is like God."

He does many miracles for the believers and we celebrate a feast in the Coptic Calendar for him once a month. In church and in our prayers, we ask for his intercessions. He is especially a good intercessor for when we are afraid, because he is a mighty warrior, he can always help us overcome our fears.


The angels help to perform the Will of God for us, His children. Encourage the kindergarteners to pray through the intercessions of Archangel Michael and their guardian angels whenever they need help.

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

Option 1

  • Have the children create angels out of construction paper. Cut out a triangle and circle for the body and the head. Trace and cut out handprints for the wings. Have the children add as much detail as they'd like.
  • Materials: two sheets of construction paper per child, safety scissors, pencil, glue.

Option 2

  • Coloring page of Archangel Michael (Attached below).


H.H. Pope Shenouda III, The Angels, Orthodox Coptic Clerical College, Cairo. Anba Rueiss Press, 1998

Archangel Michael,




Review the story of Archangel Michael with your child. You could also introduce Archangel Gabriel to your child and discuss the similarities and differences between them. Encourage your child to pray through the intercession of Archangel Michael.