Palm Sunday


To teach the children that Jesus is the King of Kings. We should receive Jesus with joy and prepare to receive Him into our hearts.


Have you ever hosted a birthday party? What did you do before the party to prepare? (Decorate the house). Why? (Because you were expecting guests). How do people feel when they are at a party? (They are excited and want to celebrate).

Today's lesson is about a very special day where people were very excited to celebrate Jesus coming to their city

Prepare an icon of Jesus Christ on a donkey entering into Jerusalem to show to the children. (see attached below

Jesus was preparing to go with His disciples to Jerusalem where they would celebrate the Passover feast. He knew that this visit was a special one because He will soon be crucified.


Memory Verse - "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD" (Matthew 21:9)


Jesus and His disciples were on their way to Jerusalem, where they were going to celebrate Passover. When they reached a village called Bethphage, Jesus sent two of the disciples saying: "Go into the village; and you will find a donkey and a colt that no one has ever sat on yet. Bring them here and if anyone asks why, tell them: 'The Lord has need of it.'" So the two disciples went and found the donkey and the colt just as Jesus had told them. (ASK: Does anyone know what a colt is?) As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them: "Why are you untying the donkey and the colt?" So the disciples responded as Jesus had told them to.

Now the people who were in Jerusalem knew Jesus would be coming. They had been waiting a long time for a king to come and save them and were very excited to see Him. As Jesus arrived, they spread their clothes on the ground, and cut down branches of palm trees to make a path for Jesus as He entered. The crowds shouted their praise: "Hosanna 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord' The word Hosanna is a Hebrew word that means "save now"

It was a joyous day in Jerusalem as Jesus made his triumphant entry.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes

  • Where was Jesus going? (Jerusalem)
  • How did the people treat Jesus? (They treated Him like their King. They praised Him by laying down their coats, waving palm branches.)
  • What did the people shout to Jesus? ("Hosanna" and "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord")
  • What does Hosanna mean? (Save now)
  • How can WE show Jesus our joy and welcome him into our hearts, as the people of Jerusalem welcomed him into their city?


We have to prepare to come to church very early to sing the hymns with the deacons and bring our palm tree branches and crosses to celebrate Palm Sunday.

Have the students learn the Palm Sunday Gospel Responses: The 4 Gospel Responses.

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes


See attachment below.

Craft - Palm Sunday Hand Branches

Materials: Shades of green construction paper, yellow construction paper, scissors, popsicle sticks, tape (or glue)

Instructions: Have the children trace their hands on the construction paper (about 8-10 times). Cut out the hand prints. Have the children tape/glue their hand prints onto a popsicle stick to create a palm branch Add a small banner with yellow construction paper that says "Hosanna" (see image below).

Alternative: Pre-purchased craft kit - Pop Up Craft Kit


Have the students act out the story of Palm Sunday