The Poor


The objective of the service module is to teach the children how to implement service in our lives. In Kindergarten, we will go over the importance of helping others and how to treat others. Help them realize how their actions are a service to those around them. Week 5 is the capstone week to review and serve together.

In this lesson, children will understand how God wants us to serve the poor. As good Christians, we should give from our hearts no matter how little we have and give to those who are less fortunate than us.


Give each student fake dollars ranging from two to six . Sit in a circle with a small table and have three jars. One jar is labeled "spend", the second labeled "save" and the third labeled "give" in the middle of the . Explain to the children what each jar is for, spending the money on something you want to buy now. Save, is for saving the money to buy something bigger or give jar, which means giving it to someone in need . Give each student an opportunity to walk to the jars and decide how to spend their money.

Today you made some choices with your money and we will have a real story at the time of our Lord Jesus Christ that really happened about giving.


Mark 12:41-44 -- The story of the Widow and the two mites

Memory Verse

"God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7)


Tell the story about the woman and the two mites:

  1. Explain that the woman only had two coins and she gave everything she had. This mentions that the '...poor widow has put in more than all..." meaning more than the rich people. A widow means her husband died. At the time of our Lord Jesus Christ women did not work much and had very little money after their husbands died.
  2. Ask: "Why do you think this verse says that?" Explain that it means more that she gave everything she had than a rich person giving a couple coins because the rich person has maybe a 100 coins and if gives 2 away then he has plenty more. So He said, "Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had." (Mark 12:44)
  3. There was something else very important; the woman was not forced to put all her money but she did it happily. She wanted to give all she had to God.
  4. We need to help those that have less than us. Some people do not have enough money to buy food for themselves or their family. Some people do not have enough money to live in a home. There are a lot of situations in which people are having a hard time finding the money to buy the things that are in need of really important things that we use everyday that we do not think about. That's why we should always be nice to everyone around us; whether or not we know their situation. If we do know that they are in need of help then we definitely need to make sure we can help them in any way we are able to. This might mean being a good friend or inviting them over for dinner.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes

Why do you think the poor woman gave all her money away?

Be extra nice to a friend or a sibling. Help someone extra this week. Do something to make someone else feel special. Talk about things the students can do to be extra nice or help a friend. Encourage them to share their stories next week.

LIFE APPLICATION (Action) - 10 Minutes

Servants can set up a box for the children for donations to the poor. Encourage the students every week to put some donations in the box every week.

Students will create a craft in which they will make a small purse and put two coins in it (you can even include the chocolate coins to make it more fun) Please see the activity below.


Talk with your child about the poor and how it is the right thing to be nice to everyone because we never know other people's situations. Encourage them to do a good deed this week and have them talk to you about it or give donations to the church. It is equally important to show compassion to the poor as well.